28 Days Videos

Day 1 – Welcome!!

Day 1 – Welcome!!

Thank you for joining our fabulous The Fitness Studio community and embarking on our introductory programme. Over the next month, you will receive a short video every day to start you off on your journey to maximum wellness and happiness. You will receive an email...

Day 2 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Day 2 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Let’s get going with making sure you have got the basics of good quality exercise and movement nailed. We are going to do this bit by bit. Many of the videos after this initial week you can just listen to but for now, you will need to watch as well as listen. You can...

Day 3 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Day 3 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Welcome to video 3 of ‘Maximising your Physical Wellbeing Week’. Today we are going to look at extending and maximising the tension you can create using your core muscles to help stabilise you whilst we are training – in addition, we are learning how important it is...

Day 4 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Day 4 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Today I am going to introduce the basics around the pelvic floor and how we can begin to exercise it really effectively. This video is 7 minutes and 56 seconds long.   https://youtu.be/w4sDiBBZrZg   If you have questions please ask in the WhatsApp group – if...

Day 5 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Day 5 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Today we welcome Nicky Herringshaw, a women’s health physiotherapist who is going to explain what a women’s health physiotherapist does when you might benefit from getting help from someone like her and what they can help with. You can view the first of two videos...

Day 6 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Day 6 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Nicky Herringshaw is back to look at looking after yourself and making sure you look after your physical wellbeing properly and how important it is that your physical health is given high priority. You can listen to or watch Nicky's video below. This video will only...

Day 7 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Day 7 – Maximising your physical wellbeing

Thank you for giving us your time this week, I really hope the videos have got you thinking about your own self-care and you’re enjoying this journey to maximum health and wellness. Below is your access to Day 7 video. Please take a minute and 40 seconds to watch this...

Day 8 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Day 8 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Right here we go, this is where we start making a real difference to the way you are feeling and your hormone balance. Today we are starting to build an awareness of how much of different food types we are eating. Can you keep a mental note of how much protein you’re...

Day 9 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Day 9 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Thank you for joining me today. Day 2 of nutrition week is about freeing you up from thinking about calories and also reducing the sweetness of what you eat. Consider having a go at the suggestion in the video below and cutting down on the sweet things for a few...

Day 10 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Day 10 – Improving nutrition for midlife

  So, this is a BIG one for me and I hope with a little trial and error it can help you too. Today we are talking about bringing some planning into managing your own eating and the nutrition of those you are cooking for. Check out the menu emails you should have...

Day 11 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Day 11 – Improving nutrition for midlife

  Hi there – Today's video will help you think about breakfast and make some plans to ensure you are getting a great nutritional start to the day. This is a 4-minute and 18-second video. https://youtu.be/M2b-XV7C7Po   I hope that’s helpful!

Day 12 – Improving nutrition for midlife

Day 12 – Improving nutrition for midlife

  Today we look at what you are drinking – Let’s focus on drinking water – it’s what we need, it’s easy & it’s free! This is a short 2-minute 47-second video. https://youtu.be/oSvSu7TBk8A   Thanks for watching.

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